0xBuilders page

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0xBuilders is group which likes to give away knowledge for free. This knowledge has a downside, it depends on the effort of the person.

We like to give people a challenge to start creating things or learning new things. That’s why we have different free programs:

  1. DIY the hard way
  2. Competitive programming

With the first program you will be on your own, you will have to create a system or similar fulfilling a set of requirements. These projects can be done by yourself or in a team, it’s up to you. They can be done whenever you want, the only condition is to finish the project with all the requirements fulfilled. You can use these projects in your curriculum.

The second one is more oriented to learn by doing and between people, helping each other at the same time that every week you have a problem to solve with a maximum time and space used, using what you have learned. Also in competitive programming you will be mentored. There will be sessions to teach you the skills.